Father Ngwira
In late September 2024, the St. Peter Claver Society (SPCS), an apostolate of St. John the Beloved in Mclean, Virginia, celebrated the completion of the building phase of the Cardinal Mazombwe Agricultural Skills Centre (CMTC) 50 miles from Livingstone, in the Livingstone Diocese, Zambia. In addition, all the official documentation needed to get permission to open the center by January was submitted to TEVETA by the September 30th deadline.
In order to meet Zambia’s TEVETA accreditation requirements, the CMTC compound includes: two classrooms to accommodate up to 40 students; one library; two dormitories, one each for boys and girls; two semi-detached houses for teachers; one large open-air kitchen, and one stand-alone toilet facility to cater to teachers and visitors. To provide for adult supervision, the girls’ dormitory has an attached apartment for a matron and the boys’ dorm has one for a staff member.
The SPCS was founded 21 years ago by Shimwaayi Muntemba with the then pastor of St. John’s. Shimwaayi now lives in Livingstone and has been working closely with V. Kalumba Bishop of Livingstone Diocese and with appropriate Diocese officials to see that the ambitious CMTC project succeeds and eventually becomes self-sufficient. All SPCS’ funding goes through St John the Beloved parish to the Arlington Diocese and then to the Livingstone diocese USD account.SPCS has no paid staff, so 100% of donations will go directly to CMTC. Bishop Kalumba appointed the former pastor of the Makunka parish, Father Ngwira to coordinate the project, including the all-important accreditation process.
We plan to open the agricultural training center in January 2025. Once the CMTC is up and running, the SPCS will be fulfilling its mission of carrying out the late Cardinal Mazombwe’s vision of establishing a rural skills center that will train both boys and girls in agricultural skills so that they will be able to support themselves and avoid migrating to urban areas where they encounter joblessness, drugs, prostitution, and violence. Cardinal Mazombwe shared his dream with Shimwaayi who promised him that she would make his dream a reality.

Left: Library Right: Classrooms
Before we can open the Agricultural Skills Center, we need to raise about $25,000 by mid-November 2024
Teveta has specific requirements for furnishing the CMTC before it can accept its first 20 students. Hence, SPCS must collect about $25,000 before the January opening. We have come too far to not make the January opening! (See the separate list of key items needed.)
Key Items Needed by Mid-November for the TEVETA Site Visit
To furnish the two dormitories:
Bunk beds | $160 | $1600.00 |
Mattresses | $30 | $600.00 |
Curtains | $320.00 (1 dorm) | $640.00 (2 dorms) |
To furnish the open-air kitchen:
Gas stove | $580.00 |
Plates for a gas stove (4) | $176.00 |
3 refrigerators with solar panels | $690.00 each |
Cooking Pots (6) | $440.00 |
Frying Pans (2) | $40.00 |
To be on site by mid-October 2024:
Fish Pond | $1600.00 |
Tools for crop production | $176.00 |
Thank you for your continued support and God bless you for your generosity.
You may donate via Faith Direct or online at: www.saintpeterclaversociety.org, or with a check made out to St. John the Beloved, with SPCS on memo line.